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Win More Clients With HVAC Business Cards


Staff member
Mar 19, 2024
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One of the best ways to win more clients is by creating effective HVAC business cards.

When you have the right business cards, you’re able to easily receive referrals and gain repeat customers.

Your HVAC business cards may help::

  • Increase your reach
  • Build your branding
  • Increase referrals
  • Make your HVAC business look legit
  • Gain recurring business from your best clients
  • Grow your HVAC business’ social media following

Now that you know the benefits, let’s dive into how you can create the best cards for business growth.

Automatically win more clients by downloading your FREE HVAC business cards templates today!

1. Magnetize Your HVAC Business Cards​

Think about the last time someone gave you their business card. What did you do with it?

Most people throw it in their wallets and forget about it for a few months. Then, when their wallets are literally bursting at the seams, the business card gets tossed in the trash.

But what if you could create a business card that people actually use and see EVERY DAY?
Now, that is the power of magnetizing your HVAC business cards.

When you provide magnetic business cards, you’re giving your clients a free magnet where they’ll see your HVAC business information EVERY time they open their fridge. Now, think about how many times you’re able to touch your client or lead on a daily basis just by being on display in their kitchen?

As a result, the added cost of magnetized business cards is offset by it’s increased effectiveness over traditional paper business cards.

2. Provide an Irresistible Referral Offer​

Often, HVAC business owners and technicians are great about handing out business cards to leads, but they forget to hand them out to existing clients.

A great way to remind your clients to refer you is by giving them a magnetized business card with a referral offer. After all, one of the ways to replicate your best customers is by getting them to refer to similar prospects.

Your business cards are also a great way to remind your clients of any referral incentives your company offers. Your referral offer doesn’t have to be complicated. It can be as simple as $20 off their next service for every successful referral.As a bonus, you can also offer $20 off the referred client’s first service.

While $20 off may not seem like much to you, you’re giving your clients a reason to refer you. Plus, it shows that you value their referral.

However, be selective in sharing your business card with existing clients.As mentioned earlier, clients generally refer to similar clients. As a result, it’s important you give your business card to happy clients.

Make it a habit of giving your clients your business cards when…

  • You get a great review
  • You’ve received a great survey
  • You know you’ve done an outstanding job
  • You’ve gotten a verbal or written compliment

Do NOT give your clients your business cards when…

  • You’ve made a mistake
  • You’re apologizing for an error
  • You’ve gotten a negative review
  • You’ve gotten a verbal or written complaint

When you create effective business cards and give them to the right clients, you can start winning more clients.

Pro Tip! FieldEdge is built to grow your HVAC business. Take a demo to see how you can cultivate mutually beneficial relationships with your clients and build a more profitable business.

Request a FREE demo of FieldEdge to start growing your HVAC business now!

3. List Your HVAC Social Media Handles and Website​

In general, many businesses struggle to build their social media presence and increase website traffic. When you add your social media handles and website to HVAC business cards, you’re accomplishing three things:

  1. You’re showing your clients how to connect with you online.
  2. You are increasing traffic to your social media pages and website.
  3. You’re showing your clients where to write reviews about your great service.

By listing your social and website, you can increase awareness and build up the credibility of your HVAC business.

4. Provide Clearly Visible Name and Contact Information​

Surprisingly, many business owners don’t clearly list their name, title and contact information on their business cards.

They’ll often choose a hard-to-read font and clashing neon colors, which defeats the purpose of your cards.

In order to create the most effective HVAC business cards, follow these general guidelines:

  • Simple colors
  • Plain font with large text
  • Straightforward design (not too “busy”)

The goal is to choose an overall design layout that doesn’t distract your audience from your primary CTA (Call-to-Action) to convert new leads or gain referrals from existing clients.

Also, don’t try to get too creative with where you place your contact information.You want your information to be front-and-center and easy-to-find so your leads and clients will contact you.

Always remember, keep your focus on the CTA and make sure your design doesn’t distract your leads and clients from the next action you want them to take.

5. Give Technicians Their Own HVAC Business Cards​

By giving your HVAC technicians their own business cards, you’re giving your clients an additional personal touch. They will feel that they are building a relationship with your techs and connecting with your company.

Small customizations, like adding your technicians’ names and email addresses to their business cards, go a long way in building customer trust. Your customers will be more likely to view your employee as their point person for HVAC services. As a result, clients will be less likely to leave you for competitors when they try to steal your accounts.

Don’t forget to download your FREE HVAC business cards templates today!

Use Your HVAC Business Cards to Automatically Win New Clients​

On average, it takes 6-8 touches to convert a lead into a client. In other words, you need to incorporate many ways to connect with your leads and clients.

Never underestimate the value of a simple HVAC business card and its benefit of effectiveness (and affordability) in attracting new client referrals. Your business cards can also build loyalty with existing customers!

The post Win More Clients With HVAC Business Cards appeared first on FieldEdge.
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