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Spicy Hot Chocolate with Cayenne Pepper


Staff member
Mar 19, 2024
Reaction score
Spicy Hot Chocolate with Cayenne Pepper

Have you ever had Spicy Hot Chocolate? If not, you’re in for a treat! This homemade hot chocolate has just a pinch of cayenne pepper, which adds a hint of spiciness without being overpowering and complements the chocolate flavor. It’s sweetened with brown sugar rather than white for a more molasses-like flavor. You’ll love this sweet and spicy treat!

This recipe is inspired by Mexican hot chocolate, which is spiced with cinnamon, chili powder, cayenne, and vanilla. This simpler version only adds the cayenne for a bit of a kick without having to raid your entire spice cabinet.

After seeing the movie Chocolat years ago, I was really excited to try spicy hot chocolate made with red pepper. The main character serves it to the grumpy customer (Judi Dench) and it immediately uplifts her spirit. It’s currently mid-winter in New England – I could certainly use something to lift my spirits!

I find adding just a little pinch of cayenne pepper to each serving is enough. It complements the sweetness and richness of the chocolate without overpowering it. Though you can certainly add more if you want to.

...GET THE RECIPE for Spicy Hot Chocolate with Cayenne Pepper!
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