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Rainmaking Recommendation #274: New Year, New You?


Staff member
Mar 19, 2024
Reaction score

Welcome to the new year!

Somehow we believe that when the clock strikes midnight on January 1, we will magically be different people this new year. And so we dream of how much easier this year will be than last.

The thing is, you are the same person you were at 11:59 pm on December 31.

And it is you who will have to change rather than the date.

If you want to achieve your goals – whatever they may be – you will need to work on them actively.

Jim Rohn is quoted as saying:

“Don’t wish it was easier wish, you were better. Don’t wish for less problems, wish for more skills. Don’t wish for less challeng, wish for more wisdom”

If anything changes, it will be up to you and the habits you create and follow through with this year.

I’m here to help you make the changes, create the habits and help you become a Rainmaker. If you are in mid-size or large law firm and would like a complimentary Rainmaking Training Session to help you plan your year, please go to https://calendly.com/jaimiefield/rainmaking-coaching-session


The post Rainmaking Recommendation #274: New Year, New You? first appeared on Enlightened Rainmaking.
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