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Introducing the NANAtkut Leadership Acceleration Program


Staff member
Mar 19, 2024
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We are excited to announce the launch of the NANAtkut Leadership Acceleration Program, a new initiative that underscores NANA’s commitment to nurturing and investing in our most valuable asset—our people. This eight-month pilot program is tailored to cultivate leadership qualities that resonate with NANA’s Iñupiat Iḷitqusiat values, ensuring our leaders are well-equipped to drive our mission and goals forward.

The NANAtkut program is an incredible opportunity for those already in leadership roles or those identified as emerging leaders within the company. It’s designed for individuals who have been part of the NANA family for at least a year and have a total of five years of work experience. Ideal candidates are those eager to expand their skills and make a significant, positive impact on their teams and the broader NANA community.

Participants from across our family of companies—including NANA, NANA North, NMS, NANA Construction, NANA Worley, and Kuna Engineering—are joining forces in this developmental journey. This cross-company collaboration not only enhances learning opportunities but also strengthens the bonds within our corporate family, fostering a network of support and inspiration.

We proudly introduce the first cohort of NMS coachees in the program:

  • Chris Tarsitano, General Manager
  • Craig Billingsley, Director of Operations, Health Care
  • Jeremy Wagner, Senior Director of Safety
  • Todd Whited, Director of Operations, Camp Services
  • Gordon Ramsay, Security Manager

These leaders have already demonstrated their potential and commitment to excellence, and through the NANAtkut program, they will refine their leadership skills to new heights.

At NMS and our affiliate companies, we believe in empowering our people to grow and excel. The NANAtkut Leadership Acceleration Program is just one of the many ways we are making the NANA family of companies a thriving place for career development.
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