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How to Grow Your HVAC Business in 5 Ways


Staff member
Mar 19, 2024
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One of the most important building blocks for any successful business is having the ability to scale for sustainable growth. In this quick guide, we’ll explore how to grow your HVAC business by:

  • Using the right prices to maximize profits
  • Setting goals that spark achievable growth
  • Employing top marketing strategies to win more customers
  • Keeping your favorite customers from leaving the competition
  • Using the right HVAC software to streamline operations and grow your business

By the end of this complete guide, you’ll know how to grow your HVAC business into a long-lasting success by taking advantage of the best professional growth strategies in the industry.

1. Maximize Profits With the Right HVAC Pricing​

Before anything else, it’s important to know how to maximize profits using the right HVAC pricing.

It’s important to set the right prices based on:

  • Profit goals
  • Customer feedback
  • Your break-even point
  • Your financial advisor’s guidance
  • The right pricing model for your business
  • Seasonality and other factors in target market

While you might be afraid to lose customers when raising prices, the opposite is usually true. In fact, when properly raising prices, you’re better able to serve customers. In other words, your best customers are happy to pay for high-quality HVAC services.

When implementing a new price increase, remember to start small and test it with your least profitable clients first. In turn, if you lose clients after adjusting prices, it won’t be as impactful to your business

Once you increase prices on least profitable clients, try to improve your approach using customer feedback:

  • Conduct social media polls
  • Encourage reviews (keep in mind, you should not incentivize reviews)
  • Text surveys and follow-up texts (easily automate texts using FieldEdge)
  • Call or ask for feedback in-person (after a positive customer experience)
  • Email surveys and follow-up emails

As you receive customer feedback, listen and adjust prices so that you can improve before rolling the increase out to more profitable clients.

2. Set Achievable and Ambitious Goals​

Once you set pricing, use your new revenue insight to explore the goals you want to set. Set achievable and ambitious goals to strive for better sustainable growth.

With proper achievable goals, you’ll have the power to unlock your HVAC business’s full potential for growth by:

  • Expanding reach
  • Increasing profits
  • Getting potential customers fast
  • Improving marketing strategies
  • Finding and fixing profit holes and bottlenecks

The key to getting past a growth ceiling and creating the right goals is by fully evaluating your HVAC business.

Base goals on these SMART elements:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Relevant
  • Time-bound

With SMART goals, you’ll unleash the power of quickly growing your HVAC company in no time at all.

3. Get HVAC Customers Fast Using Top Marketing Strategies​

While a price increase will help grow profits, you may also need to book more jobs to reach profit goals. In other words, you may need to find ways to get HVAC customers fast.

One of the most effective ways to get more customers is by utilizing the top marketing strategies to improve your:

Consistent marketing will help your HVAC business expand its reach and discoverability. In turn, customers can automatically start pouring in on their own.

Plus, HVAC marketing has never been easier…

For example, starting on social media is easy. The main key is to post relevant content that your clients care about.

Here are a few pieces of engaging content that your audience loves seeing:

  • Giveaways
  • HVAC maintenance tips
  • Your blogs (if applicable)
  • Company volunteer work
  • Deals and exclusive offers
  • Great reviews and testimonials
  • Company news, events, and milestones
  • Before and after pictures of your best work
  • Promote client referral programs and incentives
  • Anywhere you’re featured (e.g. news, websites, awards, etc.)
  • Introduce new HVAC employees as well as anniversaries and employees of the month

Track the types of content your audience engages with the most and find new, innovative ways to replicate those ideas. Also, don’t forget to investigate what’s working well for competitors too. It just might give you a few ideas that you can try.

4. Keep Your Best HVAC Customers Happy​

Once you find great customers, it’s important to make them happy so they won’t leave for one of your competitors. After all, HVAC customers are more likely to refer you when they’re happy with your business.

Take a look at a few simple ways to make customers happy:

  • Fulfill your satisfaction guarantee
  • Consistently ask for feedback via surveys
  • Listen to customer feedback to find solutions to concerns
  • Take action when receiving consistent complaints about an employee

Remember, it doesn’t take magic to make customers happy. The best customers simply want the service they paid for and their concerns heard.

Also, don’t forget to give happy customers your magnetic business card the next time they give a compliment.

Download your FREE HVAC business card templates and start automatically winning referrals today!

Download Now

5. Take Advantage of the Best HVAC Software​

One of the most important aspects of growing your HVAC business is knowing how to streamline everyday operations. The best way to simplify day-to-day tasks is by taking advantage of the best HVAC software.

When using a great software like FieldEdge, you can:

Keep in mind, all of these features will save time so you can focus more on growing your HVAC business. For example, you’ll have more time to complete important tasks like:

  • Going after new clients
  • Spending more time on marketing
  • Finding new ways to beat the competition

The ultimate secret to knowing how to grow your HVAC business into a long-lasting success lies within choosing the right software.

Experience firsthand how the best HVAC software will grow your business, and book a demo of FieldEdge FOR FREE today!

Book a FieldEdge Demo!

Grow Your HVAC Business Using These Top Strategies​

At last, you have steps to grow your HVAC business using the top growth strategies in the industry.

Use these tips to accomplish sustainable growth in your business:

  • Keep your best customers happy
  • Always meet profit goals on every job
  • Consistently win customers through referrals
  • Streamline everyday operations with the right HVAC software
  • Continuously scale your business using proven growth strategies

Use these strategies and shape them to fit the needs of your business.

Related: The Ultimate HVAC Pricing Guide for Business Owners

The post How to Grow Your HVAC Business in 5 Ways appeared first on FieldEdge.
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