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How to Create HVAC Flyers that Sell


Staff member
Mar 19, 2024
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HVAC flyers and door hangers are one of the best ways to sell more work and win more clients.

Effective HVAC flyers have the power to:

  • Beat the competition
  • Attract great reviews
  • Justify your premium pricing
  • Grow your social media presence
  • Increase lead and customer conversions

By the end of this article, you’ll have the insider information you need to create the best HVAC flyers to automatically sell more work.

1. List Your Main Services​

While you don’t need to list all of your HVAC services, you should highlight your specialties and main services.

By listing your main HVAC services, you’re telling leads and customers your specialty, best-selling services.

Plus, you can inadvertently upsell customers by showcasing services they may not know about.

Generally, you’ll list your top 7 to 10 specialty services you’re known for and want to sell.

However, avoid listing more than 10 services. After all, you don’t want to overcrowd your HVAC flyers to the point where the text is too busy and customers glance over it.

2. Justify Your Premium Prices​

In order to justify your premium prices, you have to know what your customers love most about your company in order to stand out against the competition.

In order to find out, ask your existing customers what they love most about your services as well as why they’ve chosen your business over the competition.

Do they love your customer service? Your 100% satisfaction guarantee? Your 24/7 emergency repair service?

The best way to find out what your clients love most about you is by sending a simple survey via email or text.

(optin HVAC pricing calculator)

3. Give Customers a Referral Offer​

Now that you can justify your prices and you know what customers love most about your business, you’re ready to give them a referral offer.

Similar to business cards best practices, a great way to replicate your best customers is by giving them a referral offer.

Oftentimes, customers will refer you to their friends and family, which are usually a similar clientele.

As a result, one of the best ways to clone your best clients is by giving them a referral offer on your HVAC flyers and door hangers. This is one of the best ways to start automatically winning more ideal clients!

Many HVAC businesses don’t think about adding referral offers to their flyers, which is a major missed opportunity. Since your best customers are usually your most vocal champions, you can’t afford to forget about them.

Your client referral offer doesn’t have to be complicated either. It can be as simple as offering 15% off their next HVAC service, a free tune-up, or even a free HVAC unit cleaning for every successful referral they send your way.

4. Give Customers the Perfect Offer​

One of the best ways to increase your conversion rates is by giving your customers the perfect offer.

The perfect offer is a combined effort.

The main goal of a perfect offer is to break down any potential buying barriers, while also reassuring customers your HVAC business is the best possible choice.

This is an example of a great, perfect offer that you can steal and make your own:

NEW CLIENTS! Sign up before [insert date] and get 15% off your first HVAC service!

Once you’ve created the perfect offer, you’re ready to create a CTA (i.e. Call-to-Action) to signify to customers the next action you want them to take.

Speaking of the perfect offer… You can sign up for a FREE demo of FieldEdge to find out what the best HVAC software can do for your business.

Take a FREE demo of Field Edge to see how the best HVAC software will help you grow your business!

Book a FieldEdge Demo!

5. Provide a Clear Call-to-Action​

Your CTA is arguably one of the most important aspects of creating effective HVAC flyers and door hangers.

By providing a clear CTA, your customers know the next action you want them to take, just by looking at your HVAC flyers.

Do you want them to call you for a quote? Tell your customers the exact next action you want them to take—be as specific as possible.

These are a few examples of great CTAs:

  • (000) 111-2222 CALL NOW!
  • www.CityHVACservice.com SCHEDULE NOW!
  • CALL (000) 111-2222 to schedule your HVAC service!

Also, don’t forget to list your CTA in a clearly visible place with LARGE, BOLD, easy-to-read font to ensure everyone sees it from a mile away!

6. Create Functional HVAC Flyers​

At the end of the day, your HVAC flyers are useless if they’re not functional and lack effectiveness.

Many businesses try to get too creative with their flyers. They’ll use clashing neon colors, illegible fonts, and hard-to-find contact information.

While you can create great-looking flyers, keep in mind that your main goal is to create effective HVAC flyers that sell more work.

Take a look at this quick checklist you should keep in mind before you print any HVAC flyers:

  • Visible contact information
  • Clearly legible, large, simple font
  • No misspellings and is grammatically correct
  • List the main services and packages you offer
  • Simple, complementary color schemes that are easy on the eyes
  • Avoid overusing stock photos (use photos of YOU and YOUR work)
  • Clean design that doesn’t take away from the main CTA and overall goals

Chances are that many of your local competitors are using basic HVAC flyer design principles.

As a result, if you follow these pro tips, you’ll be ages ahead of your competition!

7. Use Digital HVAC Flyers​

After you’ve created your effective HVAC flyers using the pro tips mentioned in this article, you’re ready to take your flyers to the next level…digital.

On average, it takes 6 to 8 touches to convert a lead into a client.

In other words, you need to reach your potential clients in as many ways as possible in order to convert them.

In addition to 9-arounds (placing flyers in the 9 closest houses to your customer), a great way to do this is by placing your flyers in organic social posts and paid social media ads.

By adding a digital element to your HVAC flyers, you’re ensuring that you’re reaching your potential customers in as many ways as possible to convert them.

Don’t forget to download your FREE HVAC flyers and door hangers templates now!

Use HVAC Flyers to Win More Clients​

HVAC flyers and door hangers are one of the best ways to sustainably grow a successful HVAC business that automatically wins more clients.

When you use the advice in this article to create effective HVAC flyers, you can:

  • Win more clients
  • Get more referrals
  • Upsell existing customers
  • Build your online presence
  • Increase your website traffic

… And so much MORE.

Use these pro tips to start automatically winning more customers FAST with your new HVAC flyers!

Related: 13 HVAC Marketing Ideas to Grow Your Business

The post How to Create HVAC Flyers that Sell appeared first on FieldEdge.
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