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Google Ads for Hotels: How to Set Up, Optimize + Drive Bookings Galore


Staff member
Mar 19, 2024
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Google Ads for hotels is an effective marketing strategy to increase bookings with geotargeting, social proof, user experience, incentives, and more. Maximize ROI and draw in the right guests with our in-depth guide.

Here, you’ll find everything you need to know about Google Ads for hotels, including:

  1. How to set up Google Ads for hotels
  2. Google Hotel ad strategies to boost revenue
  3. What are Google Ads for hotels?
  4. Why Google Ads are the most effective hotel ads
  5. Top mistakes hotels make (& what to do instead)
  6. FAQs about Google Ads for hotels

The travel accommodation space is pretty crowded. As a hotel, you have to compete against other hotels and short-term vacation rental sites like Airbnb and VRBO.

Google Ads for hotels helps you stand out in this saturated market and win over new customers, especially if you partner with the right agency like HawkSEM, where we help our clients see a remarkable average ROI of 4.5X.

Together with expert insights from HawkSEM CEO Sam Yadegar, we break down pay-per-click (PPC) advertising for hotels and how you can get the most ROI from Google Ads. Once the clicks and conversions flow, you can get back to doing what you love: crafting unforgettable stays for your guests.

How to set up Google Ads for hotels​

It’s time to turn clicks into bookings. Here are 18 tips for how to launch a winning Google Ads campaign for your hotel:

1. Set up your Google Hotel Center account​

Your Google Hotel Center platform is separate from your Google Ads account. In your Hotel Center account, you manage your hotel’s basic information and inventory (like rates or availability).

While separate from your Google Ads account, you can link them to share information and work together seamlessly to make your ads for hotels more effective.

So, how do you access your Hotel Center? Go to Hotel Ads through direct integration or an integration partner (more on those later).

2. Zero in on your campaign goals​

Do you want to increase room bookings, highlight a new amenity, increase event space rentals, or something more?

Get clear on what it is you want to achieve and set measurable goals. For hotels, these key performance indicators (KPIs) typically include:

  • CTR
  • Cost-per-click (CPC)
  • Conversion rate
  • Return on ad spend (ROAS)
  • Average daily return (ADR)
  • Occupancy rate
  • Quality score
  • Cost per acquisition (CPA)
  • Bounce rate
  • Lifetime value (LTV)

3. Choose a “hotel” campaign type in Google Ads​

Did you know that hoteliers have more options within Google Ads than advertisers in other industries?

Yadegar says you can select ‘hotel campaigns in Google Ads’ as an actual ad type. This gives you exclusive access to custom, advanced features only available to the hotel industry.

4. Define your target audience​

Get clear on who you’re talking to. Are your guests luxury seekers or budget travelers? Use Google Ads to target your ideal customers by location, demographics, and interests.

Other ways to hone in on your people include:

  • In-market (people who’ve exhibited similar behavior to your existing customers)
  • Similar audiences (searches for similar hotels, features, or amenities)
  • Placement (visitors of sites with similar information as yours)
  • Life events (life changes that could demand needs for hotel services, like weddings or moving)
  • Affinity (interests, habits, lifestyle preferences)
  • Remarketing (visitors who’ve previously interacted with your site or services)
  • Combined segments (multiple audience criteria)

To access audience targeting in Google Ads, go to your Campaigns page and click on the Audiences tab. From here, you can choose your preferred targeting options.

5. Set up different ad groups​

Segment your campaigns like different wings of your hotel — one for business travelers, another for family vacations, each with its own set of ad groups.

For individual ad groups:

  • Select Ad Groups in the type list
  • Select Add Ad Group in the toolbar
  • Select the destination campaign and click OK (if prompted)
  • Enter the ad group name and one or more bids

For multiple ad groups:

  • Select Ad Groups in the type list
  • Click Make Multiple Changes
  • Under “Destination,” choose My data includes columns for campaigns and/or ad groups or Use selected destinations
  • Type your changes into the grid
  • Click Process
  • To continue, click Finish and review changes.
  • Click Keep

6. Choose your keywords​

Research and choose relevant search terms that potential guests might use. For example, ”luxury hotels in Paris” or “family-friendly resorts in Florida.”

You can organize your keywords in sets, categorized as:

  • Generic: Broader, more competitive short-tail keywords (e.g., ‘all-inclusive resorts’ or ‘luxurious suites’)
  • Branded: Includes the name of your hotel or brand (e.g., ‘Ritz-Carlton near me’ or ‘Marriott hotel deals’)
  • Locational: Location-based search terms (e.g., ‘hotels in Key West’)
  • Transactional: Medium-tail keywords with specific conversion value (e.g., ‘cheapest rooms near me’)
  • Long-tail: Longer, more specific keyword phrases (e.g., ‘pet-friendly suites in Atlanta)
  • Informational: Phrases or terms for people looking for answers to specific questions (e.g., ‘best times to visit Time Square hotels’)

7. Identify negative keywords​

Incorporate negative keywords to filter out irrelevant traffic and focus your ad spend on the most promising prospects.

To access your negative keywords:

  • Click the Campaigns icon (megaphone)
  • Click the Insights and reports drop-down in the section menu
  • Select Search terms
  • Check the boxes next to search terms you’d like to mark negative
  • Click Add as negative keyword

8. Define your bidding strategy​

Set a bidding strategy that aligns with your campaign goals. Consider factors like your budget, desired ad placement, and competition for your chosen keywords. For example, if your goal is more bookings at any cost, choose a Maximize Conversions bidding strategy.

The type of bid strategy you choose depends on the type of campaigns you’re running:

  • Cost per action (CPA): you pay for a specific action (like a hotel booking)
  • Cost per view (CPV): you pay for each ad view
  • Cost per thousand viewable impressions (vCPM): you pay after a thousand viewable impressions
  • Manual CPC: you set your bid amount manually
  • Enhanced CPC: Google sets your bid amounts for you
  • Target ROAS: Google sets bids to maximize conversion value depending on your target ROAS

9. Choose your Google Advertising Networks​

Google Advertising Networks are a collection of sites, videos, and apps where your ads can appear.

It consists of two categories:

  • Google Search Network: search-related ads such as text ads, search ads, call-only ads, shopping ads, and image and video ads
  • Google Display Network: encompasses various websites where display ads are shown, such as Gmail, YouTube, blogs, shopping sites, news outlets, and other sites on Google

As for how to set it up in your Google Ads account:

  • Click Campaigns
  • From there, click the name of the campaign you whose network settings you want to adjust
  • Next, click Settings.
  • Click to expand the “Networks” section
  • Choose your settings and Save

10. Optimize your Google Business Profile​

Make sure your hotel’s Google My Business profile is up-to-date. This includes adding accurate contact details, high-quality photos, and your current offerings.

Need help optimizing your profile? Check out HawkSEM’s comprehensive guide here.

11. Budget wisely​

Determine how much of your marketing budget goes to each campaign. A good rule of thumb? Start with a competitive CPC bid and adjust based on performance.

So, how much do hotel PPC services cost?

Hotel PPC service costs depend on the complexity of your campaign, the level of expertise needed, and your hotel’s specific goals. It also depends on what kind of fee structure your PPC management agency prefers.

Here are some general price estimates you can expect:

  • Flat fee: Around $1,500-$10,000+ monthly
  • Percentage of ad budget: Around 10-30% of your monthly ad spend
  • Performance-based: You pay per lead (quality of leads can vary significantly)

12. Schedule your ads​

Timing can make or break your ads campaign. Think about peak booking times and schedule your ads accordingly; perhaps that’s weekends for leisure travelers or weekday evenings for business bookings.

To schedule your ads:

  • Select the specific campaign you want to schedule from Campaigns
  • Expand the + More tab to reveal advanced settings
  • Select Ad schedule from the options and click on the blue pencil icon or + Edit Ad Schedule
  • Choose the days and times you want your ads to run

13. Implement STAGs​

Another crucial step in setting up your Google Ads, according to Yadegar, is using Single Theme Ad Groups (STAGs). These target a single theme or keyword for better targeting and performance analysis.

For example, a hotel might create separate STAGs for each unique benefit it offers.

One STAG could focus solely on “luxury suites in Los Angeles,” targeting keywords and creating ads specific to this theme. Another could be “dog-friendly accommodations in Los Angeles,” targeting a different set of keywords and ads.

This helps you hyper-focus each ad group on a single theme, which leads to better targeting and clearer performance metrics for each specific offering.

14. Set up free booking links​

Google’s free booking links allow you to list your hotel directly in the Google Travel search results. Take advantage of this feature to boost your visibility and drive direct bookings without additional costs.

The best part? Once you’re a Google Hotel Center partner and all set up in Hotel Ads, Google automatically makes you eligible for free booking links.

15. Create engaging hotel ads​

This is where creativity meets strategy. Write headlines that resonate with your target audience, add compelling hotel descriptions, and include strong CTAs. Complement your ad copy with high-quality, aesthetic visuals that mirror your hotel’s guest experience and branding.

16. Launch and monitor campaigns​

And off you go!

Launch your campaign and keep tabs on its performance. Regularly check Google Ads analytics to see how your ads stack up against your goals (and competitors).

17. Take advantage of integration partners​

Google Ads has integration partners, which are software providers or platforms that work with Google Ads to enhance its capabilities. These are sites and services that offer additional features or functionalities for your ad campaigns.

Here are a few examples:

  • Google Analytics or Tableau (analytics and data visualization)
  • Salesforce or HubSpot (customer relationship management)
  • CallRail or DialogTech (call tracking and management)
  • Skai (prev. Kenshoo) or Marin Software (bid management)
  • Mailchimp or Constant Contact (email marketing)
  • Hootsuite or Sprout Social (social media management)
  • Intercom or Drift (chatbots and AI assistants
  • ConversionIQ or Metrics Watch (automated reporting)

18. Optimize, test, and track performance continuously​

Tweak, test, rinse, and repeat. Make it a point to review and adjust your campaigns periodically. Experiment with different ad copy, images, and bidding strategies to see what works best.

Yadegar says playing with ad variations, continuous A/B testing, and negative keyword cleanups are all critical to setting up a successful Google Ads campaign.

Use these insights to fine-tune your targeting, ad copy, and budget allocation for ongoing improvement.

When used strategically, hotel ads pave the way to better revenue management and profit margins, but the secret sauce is your strategy.

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Use effective Google hotel ad strategies to boost revenue​

Now that you know how to set up Google Ads for hotels, let’s explore high-level strategies to get more bang for your advertising buck.

  1. Sell on intent
  2. Highlight your unique value propositions (UVPs)
  3. Target your ads to avid planners
  4. Add incentives to sweeten the deal
  5. Prioritize the user experience
  6. Sustainability measures matter
  7. Add visual clues to make your hotels look more accessible
  8. Bank on social proof
  9. Make sure your landing pages match the ad copy
  10. A/B test ads for optimization

1. Sell on intent​

Different customers have different intentions when they set out to purchase a hotel stay. For example, some might prioritize the cheapest deal while others want the most luxurious stay. Some might need a business conference room to work, while others want to indulge in a weekend of spa treatments.

Because of this, they may look for specific amenities, such as a pool, gym, complimentary breakfast buffet, parking, or better connectivity to public transport.

To get the most out of your Google Ads, subcategorize each customer base and create relevant ad copy to capture that unique intent.

Inside your Google Ads account, you can define your custom audience or select Google-suggested custom audiences. Google recommends you add at least 15 keywords in custom audiences to ensure you reach the right mix of customers.

You can also target customers through search ads to segregate them through affinity segments, in-market segments, life events, demographics, and data segments.

2. Highlight your unique value propositions (UVPs)​

Your audience doesn’t know your brand yet or what sets you apart from competitors. Use ad extensions to highlight your hotel’s distinct UVPs and earn the confidence of hesitant prospects.

Google Hotel Ads

(Image: Google screenshot)

Aspects that might not be a consideration to one traveler can make or break the entire stay for someone else (e.g., alcohol use, accessibility, smoking policies, pet policies, or whether it’s LGBTQ+ friendly).

Consider highlighting these standout features in your hotel listing to earn the confidence of hesitant prospects. For instance:

  • Do you provide airport transfers for your guests?
  • Do you have amenities like an entertainment room or workspaces for business travelers? What about banquets for destination wedding couples?
  • Does your hotel allow last-minute reservations? Late check-outs?
  • What about an amazing concierge service?

One example that comes to mind is the W Hotel’s iconic ‘Whatever/Whenever’ service that promises to fulfill any guest request, so long as it’s legal.

This unique offering sets them apart from other luxury hotels, providing customers with unparalleled personal attention and care.

Consider all the extra ways you enhance potential guests’ stays and flaunt them in your ads.

3. Target your ads for avid planners​

A Google study found that customers who book hotel rooms before their travel date spend 48% more than travelers who don’t. So, tailor your hotel ads for the early birds who like to plan ahead.

First, research where your high-spending travelers come from and geotarget ads to those locations. Then, bid for highly relevant keywords based on their location, intent, and preferences.

The last piece of the puzzle? Create ad copy that matches the audience you want to target.

For example, if most of your high spenders hail from Canada and are highly interested in luxury stays, consider something like “Luxury hotel stays in London for Canadian travelers.”

4. Add incentives to sweeten the deal​

Most customers shop around to get the best deal before they commit to a purchase. The same goes for hotel stays. So, if you want customers to reserve rooms on your hotel website without sizing up competitors or online travel agencies (OTAs), incentivize your bookings to the max.


(Image: Screenshot)

Incentives are exclusive perks or offers that encourage customers to book directly on your hotel website. These can include:

  • Best rate guarantee
  • Complimentary nights
  • Discounted services
  • Complimentary meals or drinks
  • Last minute deals
  • No booking fee
  • Free parking or airport transfer
  • Vouchers for future stays
  • Complimentary upgrades

The overarching goal? Make direct bookings even more attractive and valuable than going through third-party channels.

Highlight in your ad copy just how sweet an offer guests snag when they book directly through your site. And when they do book? Show off the numbers or percentage of savings on their confirmation to spotlight the deal they scored.

5. Prioritize the user experience​

Once you capture a potential customer’s attention, you need to follow the intrigue with a smooth user experience on your hotel’s website.

Ideally, your site should feature an easy-to-navigate interface filled with everything a potential guest might want to see, such as:

  • Crisp, high-resolution photos of your hotel property
  • Comprehensive lists of features and amenities
  • Contact information
  • Quick links to your social media pages
  • Any special offers currently available

All this should look seamless on both desktop and mobile devices. Yadegar says mobile UX actually helps HawkSEM boost bookings for our hotel clientele.

But UX should feel inclusive for international audiences too, especially if you identify visitors from certain locations with your web analytics.

For example, if Indian customers land on your site, provide the option to display prices in Indian rupees, integrate with an international payment provider, and rupees and change the language to Hindi.

While you’re at it, peep the language interfaces supported by Google Ads for even more customization options.

6. Sustainability measures matter​

Are you proud to have EV chargers or meet local climate goals? Brag about your brand’s sustainability initiatives in your hotel ads.

A survey by Booking.com revealed that people are more likely to book hotels if they know the company focuses on sustainability measures. Some even said they’d be willing to pay more for eco-friendly brands and get annoyed when they don’t see sustainability efforts.

That said, quite a few hotels admit they’re unsure how to communicate their sustainability efforts with customers.


(Image: Google screenshot)

Does that mean you need to cater an entire ad to your hotel’s eco-friendly practices? Not at all — a line or two in your ad copy can be all you need to increase booking likelihood from potential guests.

Pro Tip: For those registered on Google Travel, the platform lets hotel groups advertise themselves as an “eco-certified” location if they have certifications for such practices (e.g., water conversion, sustainable sourcing, waste reduction, or efficient energy use).

7. Add visual clues to make your hotels look more accessible​

Visual clues on your landing page are a surefire way to grab your audience’s attention. For optimal conversion rates and engagement, incorporate images of people’s faces rather than just pictures of objects or spaces.

Taboola reported that landing pages with people’s faces see a 66% higher CTR. Katelyn Bourgin, founder of Customer Camp, echoes this finding:

“Your buyers are instinctively drawn toward faces, which is what makes them such a magnetizing part of advertising,” she says. “Ads and content featuring faces are 11 times more likely to get noticed.”

Here are a few strategies Bourgin recommends hotels adopt to nab prospects’ attention with faces:

Strategize with eye gaze

If the person on your landing page looks to the left, readers will likely look to the left, too. So, position the eye gaze in line with your highest value proposition (e.g., CTA, social proof, product, etc.).

Feature diverse ethnicities and body types

If audiences only see one type of person on your landing pages, they might subconsciously believe your brand only caters to that customer type. Showcase different faces, races, and sizes to relate to a broader audience.

8. Bank on social proof​

Social proof is a secret weapon that builds trust and elevates your brand image. In fact, social proof is so influential that 98% of customers admit to reading reviews of local businesses before making a purchase decision.

So, what does social proof look like? It can include:

  • Customer testimonials
  • How many hotel rooms were booked in the last hour
  • Guest ratings from booking engines like Booking.com, Hotels.com, or TripAdvisor
  • Case studies from people who have held weddings or other events at your hotel

(Image: Hotel Le Bleu screenshot)

This landing page features customer reviews as social proof. It also adheres to best practices, such as a multi-language interface, details such as photos, a list of amenities, offers, contact information, area guides, as well as an unmistakable CTA.

This landing page even included a Google map, which gave potential guests an idea of where it was located and how far it was from popular tourist attractions.

9. Make sure your landing pages match the ad copy​

If your customers are on your landing page, then one thing is clear: your ad worked.

But a mismatch between landing pages and ad copy can make your potential customer bounce. This often happens when hotel groups use a one-size-fits-all landing page for advertised offers. Our recommendation? Create unique landing pages tailored to each specific audience and offer.

Keeping a customer’s attention and matching their intent is as vital as capturing it in the first place. Here are some active strategies to maintain reader engagement:

Highlight your value in your title

Only two out of 10 prospects will read your entire landing page, whereas eight just skim your headline. Capture readers’ attention in the title and immediately highlight the value of your offer.

Personalize CTAs

HubSpot’s analysis of 330,000 CTAs revealed that personalized CTAs increase conversion rates by 202%. So, rather than a generic “book now,” try something more engaging like “book now to kickstart your adventure.”

10. A/B test ads for optimization​

Even if your current ads perform well, don’t be afraid to experiment with different strategies to see what resonates even more with your target audience. You can do this with A/B testing.

A/B testing, or split testing, is when you run two versions of a webpage, digital asset, or, in this case, ad, to see which performs better. The idea is to change one variable while keeping everything else consistent. This helps you determine which variation brings better results regarding clicks, conversions, or other desired actions (like bookings).

In Google ads, you can A/B test CTAs, headlines, webpage layout, design, ad copy, buttons, and keywords.

You can also use heat maps, which are visual data representations that show audience behavior on a webpage (like where they click, hover, or scroll). This, along with other Google Analytics features, helps you to make more data-based decisions on what ad components should change and which should remain the same.

We’ve laid out how to set up Google Ads for hotels and maximize your efforts, but let’s look at how it works on a fundamental level.

What are Google Ads for hotels?​

Google Hotel ads are campaigns that appear on the results pages when someone searches for a hotel via Google Search or Google Maps. Hotel marketers can manage these ads in the Hotel Center platform, which syncs with your properties and rates on Google My Business.

Since these dynamically adapt to your website’s content for better audience targeting, the search engine needs you to provide three crucial pieces of info:

  • A list of the hotels you’re advertising
  • Accurate, up-to-date prices
  • Corresponding landing pages connected to your ads

Along with Google Search and Google Maps, hotel ads also appear on:

Each platform offers different formats and targeting options to better reach and connect with your audience.

Why Google Ads are the most effective hotel ads: 5 benefits​

Google hotel ads campaigns aren’t cheap, but consider this: 90% of travelers start their travel research online, and a whopping 82% finalize their stays. Moreover, Search Engine Journal found that 25% of online clicks go to the first paid ad at the top of the results page.

In other words, the math adds up.

Illuminated Parisian hotel sign taken at dusk

(Image: Adobe Stock)

If you’re looking to increase the number of travelers who book at your hotel, investing in Google Ads is a smart move. Plus, there are other notable benefits to creating a Google Ads account:

  1. Build relationships with your customers
  2. Save money with advanced pricing and targeting
  3. Search ads improve visibility
  4. Detailed analytics and insights
  5. Customizable campaigns

Let’s take a closer look at these perks.

1. Build relationships with your customers​

Your customer’s relationship with you starts with their initial hotel search on Google.

When your ads appear above booking engine sites like Tripadvisor, Trivago, or Expedia, you control the customer experience and send them directly to your booking page. Plus, you don’t have to share a commission with a booking engine.

The catch? While most travelers book online, half prefer to do so on a single website. To capture this market, your booking process must be as convenient as a one-stop booking engine. Not just for convenience, but because it fosters an even smoother customer relationship.

And your ads? They’re your direct line to telling your audience just how easy-breezy booking with you can be.

2. Save money with advanced pricing and targeting​

With Google Ads, you dictate your ad spend in one of two ways: either pay via the commission or a CPC model. For the commission model, you only pay when someone books a stay or completes a payment. With the CPC model, you pay for every click your ad garners.

Our advice? Test both options and narrow down which works best for you.

You also have advanced targeting options. With these, Yadegar says you can choose your ideal audience based on criteria like demographics, device usage, travel duration, and location preferences:

“Location-specific, remarketing, as well as targeting people from outside cities looking to travel to a specific hotel destination,” says Yadegar.

3. Search ads improve visibility​

The average conversion rate for Google Ads hovers around 3%-5%. While this is a solid figure, what about the rest that don’t convert? Is that wasted ad spend?

Don’t assume that it’s a total loss just because those searchers don’t book. Your search ads still play a valuable role, as they boost your visibility and brand awareness.

Potential guests who may have just researched hotel availability or amenities are now aware of your brand’s presence in that area. They might drop by for a meal or happy hour, take advantage of your massage and spa services, or book your hotel for their next stay.

Once you convert a prospect, they’re much more likely to become loyal, repeat customers through remarketing and a foundation of trust.

4. Detailed analytics and insights​

Google Ads does more than advertise your hotel brand. It delivers detailed metrics on how your ads perform. This tells you what your customers are into and how they behave. With these insights, you can make data-driven decisions that supercharge your marketing strategy.

So, what can Google Ads clue you in on?

  • Click-through rate (CTR): how many people click your ad once they see it
  • Conversion rate: how many clicks lead to desired actions (e.g., bookings or inquiries)
  • CPC: average cost per click
  • Quality score: rating based on the relevance of your keywords, ad copy, and landing pages (the higher your score, the better your ad positioning)
  • Impressions and reach: how many times your ad appeared and the amount of unique viewers
  • Demographics: tells you who interacts with your ads most (e.g., age, gender, location, device type)
  • Keyword performance: tells you which keywords are driving traffic and conversions, as well as which aren’t
  • Geographic performance: how your ads perform in different locations
  • Ad placement performance: how your ads perform across various sites or placements within the Google Display Network
  • Time and day insights: tells you what day of the week and time your ads are most effective

HawkSEM’s proprietary tech, ConversionIQ, takes these insights to the next level, acting as a robust layer of intelligence on top of Google Ads. It doesn’t just give you access to real-time data; it interprets those metrics to drive smarter, more effective marketing decisions for your hotel.

Yadegar says that for hotels looking to maximize ROI, a key metric to watch is the rise in booking occupancy resulting from Google ads.

“ConversionIQ ties directly into this by giving visibility on what keywords and campaigns are driving high value and repeat new bookings,” he explains.

5. Customizable campaigns​

Google Ads for hotels offers tons of customizable features so that hoteliers can tailor their campaigns to meet specific goals and target audiences.

Want to capitalize on peak travel seasons? You can run seasonal promos during limited periods.

Want more control over your budget? You can choose how much you spend per day or campaign.

Want to re-engage interested visitors who failed to follow through? You can use remarketing to remind them of what they’re missing.

The options are endless. Here’s a bit more about how you can customize your ads for hotels:

  • Targeting options
  • Bid strategies
  • Ad scheduling
  • Ad formats
  • Keyword curation
  • Landing pages
  • Ad extensions
  • Budget control

The beauty of Google Ads is that it offers comprehensive guidance and step-by-step instructions on how to set up and manage your campaigns.

As for what not to do…

Top mistakes hotels make (& what to do instead)​

Not every hotel nails their campaigns on their first go-around. Fortunately, you’ve got us to guide you past some common slip-ups.

Yadegar shares some frequent missteps hotels make with Google Ads and how you can avoid them:

Not managing bids based on seasonality​

Hotels have peak and off-peak seasons. When you ignore this in your bid strategy, you might overspend during slow times or miss out during high-demand periods.

Analyze historical trends to pinpoint peak seasons. To maximize your ROI, ramp up bids during high-demand times and dial them back during slower periods.

Neglecting negative keywords​

Without negative keywords, your ads could show up for people who aren’t even interested in booking hotel stays, flushing those ad dollars down the toilet.

Regularly update your negative keyword list to avoid appearing for unrelated search terms. This sharpens your targeting and boosts ad spend efficiency.

Underestimating local search engine optimization (SEO)​

With staycations on the rise, a nice chunk of hotel bookings now originates from local searches. If you don’t optimize for local SEO, you could miss out on a substantial customer base right in your own backyard.

Use location-based keywords, optimize your Google My Business profile, and make sure your ads mention local landmarks, amenities, and attractions.

Not harnessing ad extensions​

Ad extensions enhance your ads with additional details, like location, contact information, or special features. This makes them more engaging and clickable.

Incorporate different ad extensions to add more value and context for potential guests, increasing their likelihood of clicking your ad.

Failing to track and measure ROI​

If you don’t measure ROI, how do you know if your campaigns are actually profitable?

Use Google Ads and Analytics to track conversions and gauge your campaigns’ profitability. Adjust your approach based on what brings the best return.

The takeaway​

When you master Google Ads for hotels, you open the door to a highly targeted marketing strategy that puts your hotel in front of audiences ready to book their next stay. This translates to better use of your marketing dollars and sky-high conversion rates.

That said, while Google Ads provides helpful guidance, success still hinges on your expertise and willingness to experiment with your campaign strategies.

To truly reap the benefits of Google Ads, join forces with a top 3% Google Premier Partner dedicated to creating a high-impact hotel marketing strategy for your brand.

Ready to check into record-breaking ROI? You know where to find us.

FAQs about Google Ads for hotels​

Are Google hotel ads worth it?​

Absolutely — one peek at their success stories, and it’s clear that Google Ads is a win for hotel brands. From more bookings, traffic, and revenue, there’s no doubt that, when done right, Google ads for for hotels can really rev up your ROI.

How can Google ads facilitate your hotel pricing strategy?​

Google Ads can be a fantastic tool to help you hone your hotel’s pricing. It lets you display real-time room rates, which means you can adjust your prices based on demand, seasonality, or special promotions.

Plus, the insights gained from Google Ads for hotels help you better understand market trends and tailor your rates competitively.

In a nutshell, it helps you keep your pricing dynamic, market-aware, and strategically targeted to draw in the right guests at the right time.

This article has been updated and was originally published in December 2022.

The post Google Ads for Hotels: How to Set Up, Optimize + Drive Bookings Galore appeared first on HawkSEM.
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