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Errordomain=nscocoaerrordomain&errormessage=no se encontró el atajo especificado.&errorcode=4


Staff member
Mar 19, 2024
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Many Mac users have encountered the perplexing error message “errordomain=nscocoaerrordomain&errormessage=no se encontró el alias especificado.&errorcode=4” at some point. This cryptic message can appear in various scenarios, leaving users bewildered and unsure how to proceed. Fear not! This comprehensive guide delves into the intricacies of this error, explains its root causes, and provides effective solutions to get you back on track.

Understanding the Error Message​

Breaking down the message component by component:

  • errordomain=nscocoaerrordomain: This indicates the error originates from the Cocoa framework, a fundamental part of macOS applications.
  • errormessage=no se encontró el atajo especificado: Translated from Spanish, it means “the specified alias was not found.” An alias, in this context, refers to a shortcut or a symbolic link pointing to another file or location.
  • errorcode=4: This numeric code serves as a unique identifier for the specific error within the Cocoa framework.

In essence, the error signifies that macOS attempted to use an alias (shortcut), but the alias itself couldn’t be located. This can happen due to several reasons:

  • Missing Alias: The alias you’re trying to use might have been deleted inadvertently or removed by another program.
  • Incorrect Alias Path: The path specified in the alias might be inaccurate, pointing to a non-existent location.
  • Application Misconfiguration: An application you’re using might be misconfigured and relying on an outdated or broken alias.
  • Permission Issues: You might lack the necessary permissions to access the file or folder the alias was pointing to.

Troubleshooting Steps​

Here are a detailed set of steps to help you troubleshoot and resolve the “errordomain=nscocoaerrordomain&errormessage=no se encontró el atajo especificado.&errorcode=4” error:

  1. Verify the Alias:
    • Locate the alias that’s causing the issue.
    • Right-click on the alias and select “Get Info.”
    • In the “Get Info” window, examine the path displayed under the “Location” section. Ensure this path leads to a valid file or folder.
    • If the path is incorrect, try manually locating the target file or folder and creating a new alias for it.

  2. Recreate the Alias:
    • If the original alias seems corrupt or has an incorrect path, delete it.
    • Navigate to the actual file or folder you want to create a shortcut for.
    • Right-click and hold down the “Option” key, then select “Make Alias.” This will create a new alias in the same location.

  3. Check Application Permissions:
    • In some instances, the error might arise due to permission limitations.
    • Right-click on the application throwing the error and select “Get Info.”
    • Expand the “Sharing & Permissions” section.
    • Verify that your user account has “Read & Write” permissions. If not, click the lock icon and enter your administrator credentials to make changes. Grant your user account “Read & Write” permissions.

  4. Repair Disk Permissions:
    • Disk Utility, a built-in macOS tool, can help identify and rectify permission issues.
    • Open Spotlight (Command + Spacebar) and search for “Disk Utility.”
    • Select your primary hard drive from the sidebar.
    • Click the “First Aid” tab.
    • Click the “Repair Disk Permissions” button. Disk Utility will scan and repair any permission discrepancies.

  5. Reinstall the Application (if applicable):
    • If the error persists and seems to be tied to a specific application, try reinstalling it.
    • Drag the application to the Trash and empty it.
    • Download a fresh copy of the application from a reliable source and reinstall it.

  6. Restart Your Mac:
    • A simple restart can often resolve temporary glitches that might be causing the error.
    • Click the Apple icon in the top left corner and select “Restart.”

  7. Check for System Updates:
    • Outdated macOS software can sometimes introduce compatibility issues with applications.
    • Click the Apple icon and select “System Preferences.”
    • Go to “Software Update” and install any available updates.

Advanced Troubleshooting (for Technically Adept Users)​

The following steps are intended for users comfortable with navigating the macOS terminal and system files. Proceed with caution and create a backup before making any modifications.

  1. Investigate Console Logs:
    • The macOS Console app provides detailed system logs, potentially offering clues about the error’s origin.
    • Open Spotlight (Command + Spacebar) and search for “Console.”
    • In the Console app, filter the logs by application or search for keywords related to the error message. Look for entries around the time the error occurred. These logs might provide specific details about the problematic alias or application.

  2. Check Alias Target Path Manually:
    • Open Terminal (Applications > Utilities > Terminal).
    • Use the ls -l command followed by the path specified in the alias’s “Get Info” window. This will display the file or folder details at that location.
    • If the command returns an error message, it confirms the path is incorrect or the target doesn’t exist.

  3. Rebuild Launch Services Database:

    • Launch Services is a macOS component responsible for managing shortcuts and aliases used by applications. Rebuilding its database can sometimes resolve issues related to broken aliases.

    • Disclaimer: Proceed with caution as this step can affect system functionality if not done correctly.

    • In Terminal, type the following command and press Enter:


      launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchAgents/com.apple.launchd. odpowiada.plist

    • Then, type the following command and press Enter:


      launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchAgents/com.apple.launchd. odpowiada.plist

    • This will unload and reload the Launch Services database. Restart your Mac for the changes to take effect.

  4. Identify Conflicting Applications:
    • If the error is specific to a particular application, try launching it while holding down the “Shift” key. This forces the application to launch without using saved preferences or aliases, potentially bypassing the problematic shortcut.
    • If launching in this manner resolves the issue, further investigation is required to identify the conflicting preference or alias causing the error. You might need to check the application’s settings or remove any custom configurations related to shortcuts.


By following these comprehensive steps, you should be well-equipped to troubleshoot and resolve the “errordomain=nscocoaerrordomain&errormessage=no se encontró el atajo especificado.&errorcode=4” error message on your Mac. Remember, start with the simpler solutions like verifying aliases and restarting your Mac. If the issue persists, delve into the more advanced troubleshooting methods while exercising caution. With a methodical approach, you can restore functionality and get back to using your Mac applications seamlessly.
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