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Cranberry Orange Biscotti


Staff member
Mar 19, 2024
Reaction score
Cranberry Orange Biscotti

I have so much love for this recipe for Cranberry Orange Biscotti, made with FRESH cranberries instead of dried! They’re flecked with fresh orange zest, with a crumbly and hearty texture from chopped almonds. And they freeze beautifully, so you can take one (or five) out when you want to enjoy them with a cup of tea or coffee, or if you have guests over.

Homemade biscotti are easy to make, but do take a little bit of time to complete, since you have to bake them twice. And since they store really well for a few days after baking (or in the freezer for a few months), it’s so worth the time investment.

If you end up with any leftover fresh cranberries from making fresh cranberry sauce for Thanksgiving, this is a perfect way to use them up. They add a tart flavor and beautiful color to the cookies, along with fresh orange juice and zest and lots of almonds.

And these cookies aren’t that bad for you- there’s only a half cup of sugar in the whole batch, and the addition of almonds adds protein and healthy fats to the mix!

...GET THE RECIPE for Cranberry Orange Biscotti!
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