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Angel “Uuyon” Barr – NANA Shareholder Spotlight


Staff member
Mar 19, 2024
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Angel “Uuyon” Barr is a NANA shareholder and NMS General Manager at the Nullaġvik Hotel. Her journey with NMS began in September 2014, and over the years, she’s not just grown with the company but has become an integral part of our success.

Angel grew up between Kotzebue and Fairbanks. Every summer, from the time she was very young until about age 15, her mom would take her to the village to spend time with her Ahna and Tataa. This deep-seated affection for Kotzebue has led her to regard it as her home despite not residing there.

Angel spends her free time reading and traveling with my family around Alaska to fish. Seward and Valdez are favorites, with healthy doses of Homer and Kenai. Her family moved to the Anchorage area to be closer to fishing spots and recreation.


This year marks Angel’s 10-year milestone at NMS! She started as a GM Intern and transitioned into the role of Operations Manager until her recent promotion to General Manager. Her career path exemplifies the growth opportunities available at NMS for those who demonstrate talent and commitment.

Angel was chosen by NMS leadership to join an inaugural online management course designed to enhance personal and professional skills. This experience allowed her to connect, collaborate, and build lasting relationships with many exceptional colleagues across the company.

What Angel appreciates most about her current role is its dynamic nature. Her responsibilities span a broad range, including housekeeping, laundry, front desk customer service, assisting in the restaurant, and fulfilling her duties as a general manager. The job leaves little room for downtime, keeping her engaged and active. She aspires to evolve into further leadership positions within NMS, aiming for continued professional development within the company. Moreover, she values the chance to connect with new relatives from across the region!


Angel credits three remarkable women at NMS—Lisa Wright, Jeannette Duenow, and Tami Krukoff—for their invaluable mentorship and support. These women have served as exceptional role models, imparting wisdom and guidance that continue to influence her. “I have learned so much from you ladies and am still learning!” Angel expresses her gratitude and ongoing journey of learning.

Angel claims retirement is a ways off but hopes to continue her career with NMS. When the time comes, she dreams of living in a custom-built cabin off the grid, away from the hubbub of the city!

“It’s been a pleasure watching Angel learn and grow. She has a foundation of compassion for our guests and associates, which is beautiful to see. I look forward to seeing how she will continue to evolve as time goes on.” says Jeannette Duenow.

Angel “Uuyon” Barr represents the essence of perseverance, growth, and the spirit of NMS. As we look back on her decade-long journey with us, we are excited for the many more years of her contributions and the bright future ahead.
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