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32 Signs You Might Be a Social Media Marketing O.G.


Staff member
Mar 19, 2024
Reaction score
We’ve been doing nothing but social media marketing for brands since 2007. And with every social media year feeling like 7 human years (or something like that), we’ve been at this a really long time.

But we know we’re not the only ones. Are you a social media marketing O.G.? We compiled this list to help you decide.

You know you’ve been doing social media marketing a really long time when:​


1. You can remember when social media really was a cocktail party;

2. You remember when you could reach your fans with a text only post;

3. You may still be the mayor of your local taco place;

4. You thought Google Wave was “the answer,” but knew that Google Plus circles were definitely not;

5. You once programmed Facebook Tabs for six straight months;

6. You did influencer outreach by mailing out clever gift boxes;

7. You still remember your favorite filters (Nashville was a beaut, y’all);

8. You find yourself thinking in 140 characters;

9. Facebook Business Manager may be causing your blood pressure issues;

10. You now feel numb when people mention they want a social voice like Wendy’s;

11. You debated whether FeedDemon or Google Reader was the best for RSS feeds;

12. You had to manually add likes, comments and shares to an Excel sheet;

13. You have fond memories of social media meet-ups;

14. Your blog was an important part of your personal brand;

15. You remember when Facebook told us, with a straight face, that ads were just “Stories“;

16. The phrase “16% organic reach” makes you nostalgic;

17. You stopped caring about your own personal social media a long time ago;

18. You grew up with Twitter and watched it pass on;

19. You can immediately spot a bot post, comment, or message within the first line of copy;

20. You hear an amazing idea but instantly know it won’t work because of budget constraints;

21. You still miss the chronological news feed;

22. You probably can’t explain the technical intricacies of how an algorithm works, but you hate them nonetheless;

23. You remember when podcasts were a thing, then they weren’t a thing, and then they were a thing again;

24. You remember when social media was all about authenticity, then became about a perfectly curated feed, then came back around to authenticity again;

25. You remember warning that brand not to buy followers for $1 but that was the only number that mattered to their senior leadership;

26. You remember the days even non-regulated brands had legal approve every social post;

27. You remember organic-only days when paid media wasn’t an option, and then when it became a necessity;

28. You know all the memes, songs, and phrases that you can’t legally use in your brand’s social media;

29. You remember having to explain what social media was;

30. When someone says “Vine,” you think of a 6-second video before you think of a nice bottle of red;

31. You are waiting, and quite ready, for a flash mob to break out at a moment’s notice; and

32. You had forgotten about the Harlem Shake until we just brought it up. Now you can’t stop the flashbacks.

If you’d like some of the original social media agency’s best to work on your business too, let us know by completing the form below.

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The post 32 Signs You Might Be a Social Media Marketing O.G. appeared first on Ignite Social Media.
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